September 13,1969 – August 29, 2014
Angie Harrison often feels as if she is living in a nightmare. In 2009 she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Following doctors’ orders, she underwent two surgeries and 17 rounds of chemo. Assurance that she was in remission, Angie began once again enjoying life. She began running and training for a 10K—a survivor—and acknowledged that God was her healer. She was determined to not let cancer win. However, in November of 2013 she was diagnosed with Stage 4 Triple Negative Breast Cancer that had reappeared in her lungs. So the decision was made to embrace quality—not quantity—of life and allow God to be the ultimate healer. But until then, she knows the care and concern of a few people really can make a difference in the middle of endless hopelessness. A friend nominated her to be a recipient of Ally’s Wish.
Angie comments on anticipating her Wish: “I get to go with my husband and our 3 children to Disney World. We can go—together. I cannot say thank you enough. I look most forward to seeing the face of my 8-year-old light up as she gets to see and do things she’s only dreamed of… and my older kids as they escape some of the reality that’s too much for any of us to have to face. Last, but not least, I look forward to some quiet moments with my husband and the father of my children.”